The Spiritual Journey

BIPOC Online Facilitators


Colleen Thomas is a Spiritual Director and Stillpoint's Associate Program Director. A long-time practitioner of Centering Prayer, Colleen leads contemplative prayer groups for the ‘40s and Under’ community and works closely with Contemplative Outreach's diversity outreach initiative. Colleen earned her MA in Theology and Art from Fuller Theological Seminary. She worked in television in Los Angeles for 10 years before relocating to her hometown of Washington D.C. where she continues her spiritual formation and explores her creative passions while enjoying the close companionship of her family. You can discover more about her work and explore her writing at and hear her in conversation about Centering Prayer and the contemplative life on the Opening Minds, Opening Hearts podcast.

Rhonda Johnson is a spiritual director and a graduate of Stillpoint’s Art of Spiritual Direction in 2020. She holds Master of Arts Degrees in Clinical Psychology and Intercultural Studies. Rhonda has worked in the non-profit sector for the past 34 years focusing on youth who have left the Foster Care System and has fallen into homelessness as well as helping Service Providers who service our unhoused neighbors improve on the effectiveness of their programming for moving our unhoused neighbors into various housing resources. Rhonda finds joy in companioning others as they walk their journey in discernment of their life choices and as they recognize how Spirit is moving in their lives. She is an avid reader and can get lost in books about memoirs, spirituality, health/nutrition, and mysteries. Rhonda’s spiritual community is All Saints Episcopal Church Pasadena and the Community of Divine Love, a Benedictine Monastery currently located in San Luis Obispo, CA, she is an Oblate with the Community. Rhonda loves walking, hiking, practicing contemplative photography, writing, and spending time with family.